Supporting Kids Who Come From Hard Beginnings
There are so many things I needed and still need as I traverse this path. I also know I have much to offer to those experiencing similar events.
I have spent countless hours envisioning ways I could share our story without exploiting anyone or anything in the process. I have worked to envision how I can combine my years of experience in education with multiple areas of expertise along with what I have learned via my own parenting and life events. I want to do so in a way that resonates with me, utilized my skills in a positive way and aligns with my passion for helping others.
More than anything, I wanted to create something where families who may be struggling with any aspect of parenting a child who has come from and/or is experiencing a "hard beginning" and let them know ...
You are NOT alone.
After all of the soul searching and pulling all of the pieces together, I have developed what you see here. I consider it a clearing house of information and support services. Here, I get to use my years in the classroom, my training and time as a school counselor, my experiences as a school leader, our adoption story and ultimately, the medical challenges we have faced in a way that meets my desire to help others.
My Blog - Free articles and videos from the heart about these topics and more.
I am also maintaining a list of articles and other resources about a variety of related topics so that families can easily find what they need in one place.
Advocacy - I help you navigate the education system or I can act as a liaison between your family and school.
Information for educators about my continuing education course designed to help educators create adoption sensitive classrooms and schools as well as other resources that help teachers support students from adoptive backgrounds.

I can speak to your group or school about a variety of topics including supporting students with adoption histories, understanding trauma and more.