Supporting Kids Who Come From Hard Beginnings
About Me
My name is Joelle Broberg. If you have made it to the “About Me” page, you likely already have a basic idea of who I am and why I am here. I am passionate about bringing my professional experiences together with everything I have learned from parenting a child who comes from hard beginnings in order to serve others.
As an educator, I spent over two decades in a wide variety of roles ranging from classroom teacher to counselor, administrator and ultimately school principal. Through all of those experiences, I was able to see virtually every angle of how schools work to support students. I also had the incredible opportunity to work with many different students, families and fellow educators over the years. This gives me a very unique insight into the complex puzzle that is education.

Now, as a parent, I have a child who does not fall into the “typical” mold. Adopted from India at age 6 with a physical disability, she also underwent an immense medical crises after coming to America leading to additional significant physical and psychological trauma. As a parent and educator, I get how hard it can be to navigate the system as is. When adding in anything that makes our children not fit the “typical” mode, it can become incredibly challenging.
Life Beyond All is a culmination of my desire to use my expertise and experiences to help families find balance for themselves among similar challenges and also assist with understanding the educational systems needed to ensure students have a fair and equitable education.
Above all, it is my way of letting you know,
Our Story

In a nutshell, I spent my entire adult life working for the education and well being of children. I always knew that I would also want to be a parent some day and I felt strongly that it would be via international adoption. Simultaneously, I achieved two life dreams...leading my own school as a principal and jumping into the adoption process. All of that was intentional, planned and filled with happy expectations and joy.
Then, in a blink of an eye, things went from intentional and planned to the unintentional, unimaginable, survival and then recovery mode. It has been a crazy ride that has changed life immensely and now, I want to share this unusual combination of academic and experiential knowledge with you.
I know that at various stages along the way, I really needed support and solid information. I needed someone who GOT IT. I needed a place to turn where I could learn, get support and know I was not alone. I have created this space to help others who are on this incredible journey as well.